Monday, July 29, 2013

Born Pretty Holo Polish #10

I came across Born Pretty's holo nail polishes when I read Very Emily's blog. I had seen the polishes before on facebook by someone who posted about their new holo polishes but I was skeptical. There were no pictures of swatches so I decided not to buy them at the time. The price was awesome though. $5.59 and free shipping was a deal! I have other holo's made by indies and they are $12-$14 with shipping included. So times passes by and I come across Very Emily's blog. She had swatches of all the polishes available by Born Pretty and I was satisfied with how they looked. I bought #10. The polish looks bluish when you put it on but when the light hits it, it becomes a turquoise color. Very beautiful bright color and the holographic effect its awesome! Not bad for a $6 polish. There are 12 other shades available at Born Pretty store. I also bought holo polish #2 which is a reddish shade. I will post on that one later. Application for this polish was smooth and it dried fast. Totally satisfied with this polish. I hope to get the rest of the collection soon. To buy Born Pretty holographic polishes visit
My fingers look nasty because they were super dry. Even with Burt Bees they were still wrinkly. At the time I took this I was super stressed out with school and I was not drinking enough water.


Sunday, July 28, 2013

Delush Polish Eggs-travaganza

Here is another polish from Delush Polish I had bought back in April. Adriana made this for Easter along with two other cute polishes. Eggs-travaganza is a "creamy teal with pops of red, orange, green and iridescent shimmer!" This is a very cute polish. Application was smooth. I had no complaints about this polish. The colors went well with my scrubs from school lol You can buy this polish on Adriana's website Full size bottles are $8.95. I don't know if this polish is still available. It does show on her website. Try it out if you like this polish!

Nayeli <3

Delush Polish Ocean Sapphire

Here is another polish by the lovely and sweet Adriana maker of Delush Polish. This polish is called Ocean Sapphire and let me tell you, this polish is so beautiful. The photos I took do it no justice. I love how it changes color. One minute it looks blue and another minute a greenish color. "Ocean Sapphire is Stunning blue jelly blend with tons of holo and iridescent glitters!" Believe me the name of this polish fits it perfect because it does look like the colors of the ocean. The application of this polish was a little bit on the thick side and had a little trouble with it but I added a few drops of nail polish remover and it worked great. Since I bought a mini bottle the polish tends to get thicker easily. I would recommend buying the large bottle. It will last you longer.

Delush Polishes are available at Mini bottles are $4.50 and large bottle are $8.95

Nayeli <3

Delush Polish Pinata Confetti

It has been a very long time since I have done any nail polish reviews. I have however done a lot of nail polish swatches for some indies for instagram. It just seems faster to do than blogging about it. I have been super busy with school and I just haven't had the time to blog about these swatches. I am currently on a 2 month vacation from school so now I have the time. :) So Delush polish is a new indie brand I came across on Instagram. I don't know how long Adriana has been making her polishes but I found out about her when she started following me on Instagram. Her polishes are so cute! I decided to go ahead and buy some of her polishes. I bought 3 from her. This one is called Pinata Confetti. It is a polish packed with lots of sparkly glitters. It shines beautifully in the light and in the sun. I cant help but stare at my nails hehe. I used this topper over Revlons Sassy #510. The application was smooth and with each dip, the brush was packed with glitters. I love this polish and the quality. This topper would go great with any color!

You can buy these polishes at Adriana's web site Mini bottles are $4.50 and Large bottles are $8.95

Nayeli <3